Industry Trends Article

Technology Investments That Can Elevate Product and Service Delivery

Three important technology initiatives credit unions should focus on in 2019

Fill out the form below to find out what credit unions should focus on in this ever-increasingly competitive lending market place.


Sneak Peak


The Challenge

Achieve $100 million in annual new indirect auto loan originations within five years from the start of the initiative.


The Solution

Implement a digital indirect lending system that would enable the credit union to meet its loan growth goals.


The Results

In total, Visions' overall indirect portfolio grew from $30 million at the outset to nearly $250 million, in just four years.

"With other platforms, the credit union pays for every application submitted…With CUDL, you only pay for loans that are funded…That was unique to CUDL and that was huge."

Tom Novak

Director of Digital Banking at Visions Federal Credit Union


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